
http://tabesugi.net/memo/cur/cur.html#221300で、オレンジの語源について、a norange -> an orangeに変化したという話を読んで、イタリアで赤いオレンジジュースが欲しいときに「あらんしあ・ろっそ」をくれと言った記憶があったので、話が違うような気がして確認してみた。


The first appearance in English dates from the 14th century. The forms starting with n- are older; this initial n- may have been mistaken as part of the indefinite article, in languages with articles ending with an -n sound (eg. in French une norenge may have been taken as une orenge).


The Sanskrit or Dravidian word was borrowed into European languages through Persian nārang, Armenian nārinj, Arabic nāranj, Spanish naranja, Late Latin arangia, Italian arancia or arancio, and Old French orenge, in chronological order.


In any case, the initial n was lost before the word entered English.


It first lost its initial n (Italian arancia) and then changed the new initial vowel under the influence of French or “gold”, ending up with, for example, with English orange.


There is disagreement as to whether the Old French borrowed the Italian melarancio (with mela "fruit", i.e. melarancio "fruit of the orange tree") as pume orenge (with pume "fruit") (deMause, 1998), or whether it borrowed Arabic nāranj, with no intermediate step (AHD, 2000).

なんか、結論がないけれど、a norange -> an orangeは俗説ということでいいのかな?