Going Private

超巨額LBOとして話題になっているSunGard Data Systemsの買収の件です。この買収話としての解説はさまざまなところで行われると思いますが、ここでは、ちょっと違う観点から。

  • 短期的な収益を上げることと長期的な投資をすることのジレンマが、非公開企業になることで少なくなる
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Actの成立によって、公開企業に求められる情報開示の責務が過大になり、負担感が増していた
  • プライベート・エクイティ市場が成長して、以前よりも大規模な資金を調達可能になった



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The Allure of Going Private
But the dream shows some signs of changing. Case in point: On Mar. 28, SunGard Data Systems (SDS ) announced it would sell itself to a group of private equity firms for $11.3 billion. Cristobal Conde, SunGard's president and chief executive, explained that growth opportunities seemed greater as a private company.
PUBLIC PERIL. "When you are running a public company, you have to make trade-offs between short-term quarterly earnings and long-term investments," Conde tells BusinessWeek Online. "We'll still have to make those trade-offs, but we can favor long-term investments to a greater extent in a private setting."
The deal comes at a time when publicly traded companies are under increasing pressure. Several years of scandals at leading corporations led to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires executives to submit to tighter regulations and reporting requirements.
Sarbanes-Oxley has made it more time-consuming and expensive to function as a public company. And the executives and directors of publicly held outfits face greater scrutiny -- putting them personally at risk if things go wrong -- from regulators such as the Securities & Exchange Commission and New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. The new responsibilities add to the growing sense that status as a public company means a lot more hassles than it used to.
More important, the drawbacks of being private aren't necessarily as great as they once were.
Companies have long gravitated toward public markets so that they can raise capital. But the private equity markets have attained sufficient size to serve the capital needs of ever-larger companies. Big, multinational players like GE (GE ) always will need to raise money in the public markets.