
公開した企業は RHJ International という投資会社で、この会社がファンドをの引き継ぐことになります。そして、リップルウッドCEOのTim Collinsが、新しい投資会社のCEOに就任します。元のファンドの出資者には、新会社の株式を分配(ここがちょっと自信がない。現金も含むのかな?)します。また、さらに公開時に増資を行い、資本を増強します。対象となるファンドには、シーガイアや日本コロムビアなどが含まれています。
さらに、市場にも RHJ International を求めるニーズがあるのです。(欧米の)投資家は日本への投資額を増やしたいと考えているにもかかわらず、不明瞭な財務情報開示のために二の足を踏んでいます。そこで、リップルウッドという信頼のあるネームが due diligence を済ませた企業への投資ファンドは、日本への投資額を増やしたい投資家のニーズに合致しているのです。
と、この辺までは、ニュースサイトの要約ですが、僕的には、NYの投資企業であるリップルウッドがベルギーのユーロネクストブリュッセル市場を選んだというところが面白いなと思いました。そもそも、ユーロネクストって何? という程度に知識がなかったのですが、ヨーロッパの証券取引所は、ユーロネクストに統合されていく流れにあるんですね。(参考:http://www.nomura.co.jp/terms/ya-gyo/euronext.html

ロイター | 経済、株価、ビジネス、政治ニュース
But most private equity firms seem to prefer remaining private, reasoning that extensive financial disclosure required of public companies may dull their competitive edge and value creation efforts.
But some experts say that with more private equity funds than ever looking to raise capital in coming months, an increasing number of them may be prompted to join in what could be a new evolution for the burgeoning private equity industry.
"There are a lot of private equity people who want to raise new money," said Robin Johnson, partner in Eversheds, a British law firm that handles private equity work. "If it is seen as a success, you can see other people following it."
Private equity funds typically spend a year or more on the road raising cash from investors like
pension funds and other institutions. And funds typically have a 10- to 12-year time frame to return cash to investors for expected hefty gains, a trade-off for tying up their capital for that period.
The global offering by New York-based Ripplewood essentially gives the firm a permanent capital base from which to draw funds, eliminating the need for arduous fundraising efforts.
With the public structure, Ripplewood can simply undertake stock offerings whenever investment funds are needed. And investors, whose money is typically tied up for 10 years or more in traditional buyout commitments, can trade out of the fund at any time.
"What investors like is the knowledge that Ripplewood has done the due diligence on investments," said a banker close to Ripplewood, requesting anonymity. "Investors may say they want equity exposure to Japan, but don't trust the financial numbers that companies generate."

``I think it's smart. They keep management control, they sell the investment,'' UBS credit research director Graeme Knowd said in Tokyo.
``Investors who don't want to take exposure to weak single stock names get someone else doing it who has expertise.''
